What is Amine gas treating?

The process of amine gas treatment involves dissolving and removing carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide from the sour gases produced by the refinery in order to create “sweet gas.” Due to this, the procedure is also called as “gas sweetening,” “amine scrubbing,” or “acid gas elimination.”

Why is amine gas treating is important?

The petrochemical and natural gas industries, as well as other industrial applications, depend heavily on the treatment of amine gases.

Certain chemical refinement methods require the elimination of acid impurities in order to work. Additionally, in order for gas products like syngas to comply with emission laws for the protection of the environment, health, and safety, sulfur may need to be removed from them.

Sour gas is natural gas that contains inorganic or organic sulfur compounds.

However, the most frequent sulfur compound is hydrogen sulfide (H2S), which is highly toxic, flammable, and extremely corrosive to carbon steel when processing conditions are below the dew point of sulfuric acid, which is frequently the case for natural gas processing operations. Sour gas can also contain mercaptans and other sulfur constituents as contaminants.

As a result, corrosion issues stemming from the acid as well as from other sources—particularly the typical absorbent-recovery fluids—are continually present in natural gas processing plants. These absorbent liquids are amines the majority of the time (but not always).

Amines are effective H2S scavengers. The final result is a high-Btu, pipeline-quality gas after the sour gas and any other contaminating gases or particles have been eliminated.

However, amines are both expensive and difficult to use. Both toxic and dangerous, they are.

Additionally, they are sensitive to vaporization loss, fire risks, foaming, contamination by particles and scale, and amine regeneration-related pollution. So the popular way now is amine absorption technology.

Why is amine gas treating is important

How to do amine gas treating?

The Girbotol procedure, which utilizes an absorber column and a regenerator unit, is a standard method of treating amine gas. The amine solution in the absorber absorbs carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, turning the acidic gas into a sweetened gas.

The regenerator receives the amine solution, which is now “rich” in hydrogen sulfide. Here, the “acid gas”—a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide—is driven off, allowing the lean amine to be employed in the absorber unit once more.

What can Brother Filtration provide in this process?

Brother Filtration, as a filtration expert, designs and manufactures all kinds of filtration products. We want to cover all industries and provide filtration solutions for all applications. Naturally, we got appropriate products for amine gas treating.

Removing arisen contaminants from the Amine is an effective method for securing the unit’s capacity, also in protecting the system and downstream equipment against corrosion, erosion, wearing, plugging, etc.

Brother Filtration focuses on the removal of the problem causers, such as solids, liquid hydrocarbons, and heat-stable salts.

The Benefits of using a High-Quality Amine Filtration System

 Installation of an awesome filtration device has come to be one of the key additives of amine device design, The purifier the amine, the higher the amine device operates.

Filtration has been established to be the best device for the elimination of contaminants consisting of solids, liquid hydrocarbons, and warm solid salts.

The elimination of contaminants gives many benefits, such as prevention of amine foaming, reduction of corrosion and fouling, a longer lifetime of carbon bed, and reduction of amine consumption. Also, it helps to maintain amine efficiency and plant capacity.

Choosing activated carbon filters and cartridge filters

Because the rich amine solution is heavily loaded with acid gas, it can form gas pockets in the carbon filter resulting in a reduced or completely blocked flow.

In terms of safety for the workers who dismantle, inspect, and clean out the filters, it is safer to install the carbon filters in the lean amine stream.

Carbon filtration removes surface-active contaminants, hydro-carbons corrosion inhibitors, amine degradation products, and oils and reduces the tendency of the amine solution in the stripper to foam.

At the inlet side of the carbon filter, a cartridge filter is installed preventing particles from blocking the activated carbon. All of this results in a reduction in operational and maintenance costs.

To reduce the running costs, a self-cleaning candle filter can be installed on the inlet side. At the outlet of the carbon filter a cartridge guard filter is installed to prevent carbon fins to enter the amine circuit.

Filtration requirements depend on the micron size and the quantity of the particulates. Generally, 5-10 micron size filters are used suitable for particulate removal.

Particulates in the circulating solution should be kept below 0.02 wt%. The filter should be equipped with a differential pressure gauge to monitor removal effectiveness and be able to operate up to pressure differentials of 2-2.5 Bar. Above this, the filter elements could collapse and become ineffective.


 As an important production factor in the petrochemical industry, amine needs to be handled appropriately, which means the right filtration system should be chosen and applied. Once a suitable amine unit is used, the whole costs would decrease and productivity would increase.

When choosing an amine filter element, efficiency is not the only thing that should be taken into consideration but also the chemical compatibility due to the special characteristics of amine.

Finally, operators should be aware that some processes require an activated carbon filter in order to remove minute amounts of substances that induce foaming or for other purposes.

However, the bed of activated carbon introduces carbon fines into the train. In order to assist in the removal of those carbon fines, the cartridge filter is often positioned downstream of the carbon unit.


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