Small volume parenteral (SVP) solutions are typically 20 ml or less in volume and are packaged according to the intended use.

Ampoules, bottles, bags, and pre-filled syringes are the most common packaging types for SVP. SVP also can be Lyophilized powder. Most SVPs are not thermally stable and therefore require sterile filling.

Sterilization filtration is usually used after synthesis or before filling. If sterilization filtration can be used at both locations, a double guarantee of sterilization could be acquired.

To avoid premature clogging of the final filtration, pre-filtration can be used to reduce the bioburden and particle content.

Small Volume Parenterals

Our filtration goal

  • Pre-filtration

Removal of gums and particles to extend the life of downstream sterilization filtration

  • Final filtration

Offering sterilization filtration meets the regulations and laws.

Requirements from application

Final filtration should have no effect on medicines while guaranteeing the removal of all bacteria. This requires the use of a sterilization filter with very low adsorption of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API).

Additionally, The final sterilization filter must also be low precipitation, free of heat sources, capable of integrity testing, and sterile or sterilizable.

The filtration rate of the pre-filtration and final filtration must be able to meet the requirements of the downstream filling rate.

Final filtration used in filling machines must require rigid construction to prevent bending of the filter media due to speed pulses during filling, resulting in particle leakage, liquid dripping, or other dispensing filling problems.

Recommended filters

Step of filtration Recommended filters
Pre-filtration Glass fiber pleated filter cartridge
Air/Gas Filtration Hydrophobic PTFE membrane pleated filter cartridge
Final filtration PES membrane pleated filter cartridge
Small Volume Parenterals sterile venting


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