In the pharmaceutical industry, prevention includes preventing bacterial influx. In most cases, it is simpler to prevent an undesirable event than to take remedial action to undo the harm that has already been done.

However, it is safe to assume that both prevention and remediation are required in almost all water systems, including pharmaceutical water systems, to control bacteria and other contaminants.

What is tank vent filtration?

Vent filters—hydrophobic sterilizing-grade filters used as air vents on processing tanks—are necessary for many biopharmaceutical applications.

The tank vent filter serves two purposes: keeping the tank’s pressure close to ambient while guaranteeing tank sterility. The tank vent filter cleans the gas when it enters or exits the tank by filtering out viruses and other germs.

Tank vent filtration is a necessary part of this process and is widely used in the food & beverage and pharmaceuticals industries.

In food processing plants, tanks are used to store ingredients, CIP chemicals, liquid food and beverage products, as well as other processing fluids. Tanks need to have vents so that air can enter when the tank is being drained and exit as the tank is being replenished.

Tank Vent Filters that are filled and emptied as part of a process and used for storage, mixing, dispensing and single-use must be adequately vented to preserve structural integrity.

The air inside a tank needs to be allowed to vent as it fills. In contrast, as the tank is being emptied, air or gas must be allowed to enter the tank to make up for the volume of liquid that was lost.

And the important thing is that particles and germs from the air or gas entering the tank must be removed to prevent the water from being contaminated.

What is tank vent filtration

The importance of using a vent for tanks

There are risks involved in holding and mixing tanks without vent filters. Tanks are needed for many operations in order to hold ingredients that need to be added, mixed, or held till final filtration and filling are completed. These tanks will frequently be filled and emptied throughout routine operations.

Tanks need to have vents so that air can enter when the tank is being drained and exit as the tank is being replenished.

Inadequate venting could cause a catastrophic tank collapse structurally, such as an explosion or implosion. Let’s go over the venting procedure before examining why the vents on these tanks need to be filtered.

The benefits of using a tank vent filtration

When the tank vent is equipped with appropriate cartridges, which are usually hydrophobic sterilizing filters made with  Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane, can have outstanding performance. By preventing wetness from water vapor, the filter cartridge lowers the possibility of tank failure.

Tank vent filtration can protect tank contents from exposure to airborne bacteria, viruses, and/or physical pollutants, and prevent quality degradation.

Also, it has the prevention of harmful tank fluid leakage into the environment and protection of the immediate environment. To prevent damage from overpressure or vacuum, it can maintain an equilibrium pressure inside the tanks.

How to choose a filter for tank vent filtration?

A hydrophobic filter with a bioburden reduction or sterilizing rating would be an option for these filters. A proper risk assessment should be carried out taking into account various factors to determine which:

  • The likelihood that the environment may be contaminated by bacteria
  • Potential for contamination at various levels
  • The tank’s cleaning and sterilizing processes are adequate.
  • How much of a load could a bioburden reduction filter put on downstream sterilizing filters?


In order to prevent the escape of process ingredients into the environment as tanks are filled and, more importantly, to prevent potential contaminants such as particles, bacteria, etc, from the surrounding environment from entering the tank during transfer, these vents for tanks used in pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical processes must have adequate filtration in-line.

Based on the actual operating conditions, many sizing methods exist, and choosing the proper parameters can assist assure safe and effective use.

Tank vent filtration is a great option in the pharmaceutical business, and you can find it at Brother Filtration. We help to solve the high sanitary demands in pharmaceutical industry and offer many perfect solutions.


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