From oil and coal for power to ores and stone for metals, mining provides everything. Without mining, we couldn’t create the contemporary metropolis and wouldn’t have access to any of the current essentials.

For all sorts of mining, water is essential. In some areas, heavy rains can cause acid runoff from surface mines, tailings heaps, and mine drainage, which can contaminate streams and rivers.

The water pollution caused by mining

The water pollution caused by mining

Acid Mine Drainage

Sulphuric acid is created naturally when the sulphides in rocks are exposed to air and water. This process is known as acid rock drainage (ARD). The process is roughly the same and is called acid mine drainage (AMD).

Sulphuric acid is produced when significant amounts of rock containing sulphide minerals are removed from an open pit or exposed in an underground mine.

This reaction involves the presence of oxygen and water. A naturally occurring bacteria called Thiobacillus ferroxidase may start to grow in the water when the acidity reaches a particular level, speeding up the oxidation and acidification processes and leaching even more trace metals from the waste.

As long as the source rock is exposed to air and water and until the sulphides are leached away, which might take hundreds or even thousands of years, the acid will continue to leach from the rock.

Rainwater or surface drainage removes acid from the mine site and deposits it in the groundwater, surrounding streams, rivers, and lakes. Water quality is substantially reduced by AMD, which can also kill aquatic life and make water essentially unusable.

Heavy Metal Contamination & Leaching

When metals like arsenic, cobalt, copper, cadmium, lead, silver, and zinc exposed in underground mines or found in the excavated rock come into contact with water, it results in heavy metal contamination.

As water flows over the surface of the rocks, metals are leached out and moved downstream. Despite the fact that metals can become mobile in neutral pH environments, leaching is especially enhanced in low pH environments like those brought on by acid mine drainage.

Processing Chemicals Pollution

This type of contamination happens when chemical substances (such as cyanide or sulfuric acid, which mining companies use to separate the desired mineral from the ore) spill, leak, or leach into neighboring water bodies from the mine site. Both humans and wildlife may be severely hazardous to these substances.

Erosion and Sedimentation

When building and maintaining roads, open pits, and garbage impoundments, mineral development affects the soil and rock.

When the exposed ground is eroded, significant volumes of sediment may be carried into streams, rivers, and lakes if proper prevention and control measures are not taken. Excessive sediment can suffocate aquatic species, watershed plants, animal habitats, and riverbeds.

Mining Industry Filtration Solution

For sustainability

Not only are many productive mines located in regions with limited freshwater resources, but mining activity has also contributed to the degradation of the limited freshwater resources that are present.

Mining businesses can use cutting-edge wastewater treatment techniques to provide water that is acceptable for reuse in order to stop additional environmental harm.

By treating and recycling mining effluent for landscaping, irrigation, dust control, and even drinking water, Brother Filtration filter solutions may preserve freshwater supplies.

As a result, costs associated with wastewater disposal are decreased, local water supplies are safeguarded, and the highest requirements are met.

For less pollution

After a mine is closed, it is necessary to control water pollution caused by waste rock and tailings for decades or even centuries. During the mining process, water could be also disturbed by mining activities. Another issue is that mining is now more mechanized than ever before, which allows it to handle more rock and ore stuff.

All these factors result in more pollution. Waste production will increase when mine technologies are improved to make mining low-grade ore more viable. Therefore, filtration for mining wastewater is an essential way to reduce the pollute and reduce contaminants entering the fresh water.

For meeting high demand and regulatory standards

To protect the environment and our living plants, many governments introduced policies about wastewater discharging and treatment. The mining companies will get harsh punishments, if they can not meet the regulations, for discharging sub-standard wastewater.

A mining site can use a variety of control strategies to lessen the risk of water pollution and the amount of water that needs to be treated. It is possible to treat water from formation, incursion, dewatering wells, mine drainage, tailings, or mineral processing for reuse or discharge.

Rinsing any ore in heap leach piles to remove any lingering chemicals, draining and capping tailings ponds with dense clay to stop water infiltration and groundwater contamination, and removing or stabilizing any contaminated material on site are all treatments that can be used to ensure local discharge regulations are met. Plans for the closure of mines frequently include ongoing water monitoring and treatment.

What Brother Filtration can help?

From the original design of your wastewater system to continuing after-sales support, we offer a comprehensive solution. But more than that, we’re committed to offering sustainable resources to all sectors of the economy, not just the mining ones.

Lower operating expenses, no fines or shutdowns, and hassle-free equipment maintenance and service. Brother filtration is aware of its importance to your mining activities.

Our filtering systems are user-friendly and high-performing. Additionally, they are affordable for your mining applications. For temporary mining operation camps, surface runoff treatment, and much more, we can assist you in treating domestic wastewater.

Brother Filtration manufactures different types and materials filter cartridges to fulfill the needs. We got depth filter cartridge like PP melt blown filter cartridges and depth pleated filter cartridges like PP pleated filter cartridge.

If you need a high flow rate and high filtration efficiency, we also have high flow series for you, our Max-A and Max-T are perfectly suitable for this application.


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